Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Oh yes, it’s sometimes referred as Essential Oil therapy too. Aromatherapy uses aromatic Essential Oils medicinally to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit, which also enhances both physical and emotional health. Aromatherapy is thought of as both an Art and a Science. In the recent years, Aromatherapy has gained more recognition in the fields of Science and Medicine.
Please note that individual results may vary so please consult your physician if you have existing medical conditions before you try these 15 Healing Aromatherapy Scents.
Insomnia & Sleep
Bergamot : Lowers cortisol levels & help you unwind (also used to boost the mood)
Lavender : Reduces your heart rate & relaxes your body (also used to reduce anxiety)
Vanilla : Has a sedative effect & ease restlessness (also used to ease hyperactivity)
Anxiety & Depression
Chamomile : Improve symptoms of generalized anxiety (also used to improve sleep)
Lemon : Combats physiological signs of stress (also used to improve the mood)
Lemongrass : Reduces tensions & worry (also used increase alertness)
Orange : Eases Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and labor anxiety (also used to increase attention)
Blood Pressure & Respiratory
Clary Sage : Reduces blood pressure & breathing rates (also used to boost memory)
Eucalyptus : Combats congestions & heals the sinuses (also used to ease arthritis)
Headaches & Pains
Camphor : Eases tension headaches (also used for topical pain relief)
Menthol : Treats migraines & headaches symptoms (also used to ease nausea)
Rosemary : Eases muscles pains, rheumatism & arthritis (also used to aid in digestion)
Nausea & Stomach Issues
Ginger : Calms nausea & vomitting (also used as an antiseptic)
Mandarin : Eases upset stomachs (also used to help restlessness)
Peppermint : Reduce morning sickness (also used to ease headaches)
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